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The Simple Foot Pain Fix That Podiatrists Don't Want You To Know About... 


I’ve heard it more times than I can count…

“I’ve had Plantar Fasciitis forever now and nothing works…”

“I can only wear this one pair of shoes, all others hurt too much…”

“The pain in the morning is excruciating and takes me forever to take my first step…”

Sound familiar?

If you have constant pain in your feet and ankles…You’re not alone!

Every year millions of people struggle with problems with their feet, ankles, and lower legs.

Little by little they each begin to give up on any hope of ever getting back to pain-free walking.

It starts with the little concessions… “I guess I don’t have to play sport anymore…I’m getting older anyways.”

Then it moves to bigger sacrifices… “I just need to watch how much I walk around…My feet hurt if I do too much.”

Eventually, they cut back on almost everything… “I can’t even walk around the house barefoot. Too much pain!”

If the above sounds a little too close to home, I’ve got good and bad news for you. Let’s start with the tough stuff…

Nothing will change if you keep doing the same stuff you have been

👎 Your feet will continue to be painful…

👎 Your ankles will get weaker and stiffer…

👎 Your calves will become tighter and more rigid…

👎 Eventually this can lead to more knee, hip, and back pain…

It’s a one-way path to pain that snowballs into problems that limit what you can do and ultimately create more pain. The nasty cycle is never-ending!

Out of frustration and desperation, you’ll eventually look for a solution… “HELP!!!”

And if you’re not careful, you’ll fall into the Three “I” trap of the traditional modern-day medical approach…

It starts off with Ingestion “Take this anti-inflammatory pill, see if that helps…

If that doesn’t work, the next step is an Injection (Or in this case, a fancy, expensive, shoe Insert) … “Take this cortisone injection (or special shoe insert) to see if that helps…”

And if those don’t work, the orthopedic surgeon gets called in for an Incision “Let’s give surgery a shot, maybe that will help…”

But it rarely does. And if you’re reading this, that “one size fits all” approach likely hasn’t worked for you either.

Orthopedic Insoles

What can you do about it?!?

Don’t worry, I’ve got good news for you…

You don’t need to go down that miserable, dead-end route at all.

In fact, you can avoid the whole thing by simply changing the way you move and think about your feet.

No, this isn’t some homeopathic, voodoo thing, I mean that you can literally strengthen your feet and body slowly but surely to undo all of the pain, irritation, and damage that has occurred over the years.

Sound too simple to be true? I promise you, it’s not.

The reason it’s not advertised more widely is that big companies can’t make millions off of you fixing yourself.


Your body was designed correctly. The problem isn’t you, it’s the fact that the modern world we live in doesn’t support healthy, functioning bodies…

The massively cushioned shoes with arch support squash your feet and toes together every single time you slip them on…

The pristinely flat, paved ground we walk on weakens and stiffens our ankles with every single step…

Every step you take in a modern-day shoe, your foot gets weaker and weaker…

And since most people have poor running technique, simply going out for a jog to help shift those few extra kilos, just ends up making the problem worse…

Sadly, the vast majority of people have no idea how to move if they don’t have their special, comfortable, inches thick soled shoes with arch supports in.

But it’s not your fault!

No one ever taught you about the impact shoes have on your body… (I totally understand…we were all just shoved into the latest Nikes or Converse the moment we take our first steps!)

Each foot has 26 bones, 33 joints, 33 muscles and a ridiculous amount of connective tissue.

And if you’ve been ignoring these masterpieces of engineering for the last however many years of your life, it’s no wonder you’re in pain!

But now that you know this, you can do something about it. But where do you start?

Even better news – I’ve got the EXACT protocol already laid out for you…

My “Walk Away from Plantar Fasciitis” Protocol

In this program you will work through a complete transformation from stiff, dysfunctional, painful feet to walking around with confidence for as long as you want…

An introduction to the marvels of your two feet and show you what you’ve been missing out on.

The ramifications of poor footwear and what they are doing to your body.

How your body adapts to its most common positions and postures and how to improve them.

Movement protocols to get your whole body moving, not just your feet.

The exact steps on how to get out of pain and then build mobility and strength, so the pain never comes back.

Full movement library with instructional videos and the reasons why we are doing each exercise.

WAFPF Title Page.png

I built this program as a process of trial and error through my own experience with almost every lower leg problem you can name…

Plantar Fasciitis…

Heel Spurs…

Mortons Neuroma…

Ankle Sprains…

Shin Splints…

Calf Strains...

Turf Toe…

Patellar Tendonitis…


And if you’re ready to make these same problems a thing of the past, this program is for you.

I could go on and share testimonials from clients who’ve been able to get their life back after conquering this battle with foot pain like these:

But I also know that you’ll take those with a grain of salt. So, I’ll do you one better…


Try to find a Physical Therapist, Doctor, Medication, or Surgeon who’ll back THAT up. (It would be nice though, wouldn’t it?)


So how much does a program with this bold of a promise cost?

$297? Nope. $147? Even better… Just $87!!

I’m basically giving this away compared to how much people pay for this exact training with me in person!

This is a simple program. I don’t have a long, drawn-out list of all the doo-dads and shiny objects you’ll get but never really wanted in the first place.

I’m giving you one thing – a solution to your problem.

At $87, this program costs LESS than that fancy sole insert you’ll end up buying…

It costs less than the next pair of “pronation control” shoes you’re about to drop money on…

And it costs MUCH less than the trips to a surgeon’s office for costly and potentially risky operations.

I’ve literally removed all of the risks for you. You truly have nothing to lose and everything to gain.


So, the real question is…Are you ready to get your pain-free life back and Walk Away from Plantar Fasciitis?

If you’re in, I’m with you every step of the way.

Hit the link below to purchase the program and let’s get to work!

                                                                                                           - Mick


P.S. - Don't forget my unbeatable, "Pain-Free or Your Money Back" Guarantee! I'm serious about fixing this problem and I won't accept even a penny for something that doesn't work. Email me directly at with any questions or concerns you have about your situation. I'm here for you.

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