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Writer's pictureMick Breen

"Ultimate Guide: How to Find the Best Remedial Massage Near You"

Updated: Mar 11, 2024

What’s the Difference Between Remedial Massage, Sports, Myotherapy, Deep Tissue, Thai and Spa Relaxation Massage?

When searching for massage places near me you will notice there are so many different massage options to choose from these days. Finding the right massage therapist and treatment for the right purpose can be challenging and confusing at times. Massage therapy has so many different styles all coming from a variety of backgrounds and intended purposes. Massage can differ from each other by the amount of pressure, manual techniques used, amount of massage oil used, and training completed by the massage therapist. Remedial Massage is also known as medical massage and is the most popular massage but is often misunderstood. It is performed by a qualified Remedial Massage Therapist and can help with a whole host of injuries and ailments.

There are many questions that you could be asking when seeking massage therapy. What is Remedial Massage? When do I need a Remedial Massage? What's the difference between Myotherapy and Remedial Massage? What is Myotherapy?

What is Remedial Massage?

Remedial Massage, also known as medical massage, is one of the most popular styles of massage which is aimed at treating trigger points, muscle injuries, tight fascia, and poor joint mobility. A Remedial Massage Therapist is fully qualified, often completing a Diploma of Remedial Massage course at the University. Remedial massage is used for the prevention and management of injuries, including soft tissue injuries, and can be used alongside other health professionals as a part of a patient’s treatment plan. Although Remedial is therapeutic aimed at fixing injuries and reducing pain there can be a relaxation element to it.

The pressure of Remedial Massage is firm but can be adapted to the client's needs and the pain presentation they have. Remedial can be specific to an area of the body like the back, neck, or shoulders but sometimes a full body massage is used to treat the client. A Remedial Massage Therapist will get to know your pain threshold, level of desired pressure, and your response after treatment. Getting the right match between a Remedial Massage Therapist and your desired treatment is the key when searching for the best massage near me.

What Are the Benefits of Remedial Massage?

Remedial massage although is used for people who exercise or play a sport like AFL, is widely used by the general public for back pain, postural strain, headaches, and repetitive strain injury. The benefits of Remedial Massage are a long list and many people seek this service for different reasons. Some massage benefits include:

Decreasing pain and alleviating a range of chronic pain conditions. Prevention and management of sports and soft tissue injuries. Releasing tension and tightness in the muscles. Increase blood flow and oxygen muscles. Faster recovery time for athletes or people who train rigorously. Flushing chemicals out of the body causes muscles to tighten. Breaking down and healing of scar tissue post-surgical operation. Assisting the flow or draining of lymph fluid can decrease swelling in the treatment area. Can improve problems such as headaches, abdominal pain, low back pain, and sciatic pain. Can be used in the treatment for muscle cramps, whiplash, muscular atrophy, fibrositis, spondylitis, and arthritis.

What's the Difference Between Remedial Massage and Myotherapy and Other Massage Treatments?

What is Myotherapy? Myotherapy is a form of manual therapy with more focus on injury and physical assessment. Myotherapy is clinical in its approach. What is the difference between Myotherapy and Remedial Massage? Myotherapy uses similar techniques to Remedial Massage but utilizes Dry Needling, Cupping, IASTM, and other techniques as part of the treatment and more assessment skills. When a client comes in a physical assessment is done of the painful or injured area and brief history notes are taken to gather an overall picture of what structures are involved and aggravating factors.

Is Myotherapy painful?

It doesn’t have to be but typically for chronic trigger points, the more target pressure the better and longer-lasting results, which means there can be post-treatment soreness 48 to 72 hours after.

What is Deep Tissue Massage?

Deep tissue massage as the name suggests is deep, slow sustained applied pressure applied to trigger points, tendons, and fascia of the body. This sort of massage is definitely not the relaxation type so be warned that it’s not the type of massage for everyone. However, some people love the deep forearm and elbow pressure techniques used and the results that follow. Deep tissue massage is typically tender at the time but gives great long-lasting results and pain relief. Post-treatment soreness is likely 48 to 72 hours after the treatment depending on the treatment plan and recovery time.

What is Sports Massage?

Sports Massage is much like Deep Tissue Massage, but highly specific to muscles of exercise, sport, and training. AFL players, endurance athletes, marathon runners, and cyclists all benefit from a sports massage pre and post-training and competition times. Sports massage targets the calves, Achilles, hamstrings, glutes, and quads. Its aim is to reduce muscle recovery time, rehabilitate sports injuries, increase athletic performance, and prevent sports injuries from occurring in the first place.

How to Find the Best Massage Near Me? How to Find the Best Myotherapist Near Me?

Searching on Google for a message will deliver many responses. How do I know what makes a good massage and where do I find it? Looking at online reviews and testimonials can give you an idea of the quality of service provided. Recent reviews on Google, Facebook, Instagram, and Yelp from real customers, viewing the pictures of the clinic, and reading up on the qualifications of the therapists are all ways that build your trust when making your next appointment.

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